Well, as you all know it's been an awful LONG time since I've last posted. I think I just lost interest in a lot of things, poker being one and blogging being another. I think I'll just throw out some random paragraphs to get me back into the swing of my blog.
Cherissa's Quinceanera was this past weekend. It was totally awesome! Photos can be seen at
http://pecksweb.com/photos/cherissa/03/ Once I convert the video tape, I'll be posting some key moments on YouTube.com. These parties are very traditional and we had an opening waltz, the presentation of the shoes, giving and receiving of the traditional gifts and she sang a solo song as well. I am so proud of her and how she's turned out, I was crying several times during the party, I'm such a softie, LOL.
I went to Atlantic City for the Annual ITH Convention last month and didn't even do a trip report on it, but I had an absolute blast! The weird part, at least for me, was that I didn't even do any gambling (Well, about $40 on nickel slots and $200 on table games, but that was it and for me, that's NOTHING!!) I just hung out at this one bar every day, almost all day long and met people every day, all day long. This was when I wasn't playing in the ITH tournaments, of course. Good times.
I'm back to being single. Jordan moved back to Canada. We felt it would be for the best as we couldn't get him a green card or visa to work in the states, so he went back in order to get a job and start saving up his bankroll again and then make his attempt at playing poker for a living. Still very good friends of course, and we'll still date when we see each other but we also know that by us being so far away from each other, we'll be free to still meet and date other people as well. This also allows us our own space and individuality which is what I crave and love at this time.
My mom got married a few weekends ago. I went down to Prescott for the wedding, it was very simple but elegant and nice and I wish nothing but the best for her and Dane. Congrats guys!
My sister Lorrie had the lap band procedure a few months back, not sure on exact date but here's her blog:
http://www.dramamamainqc.blogspot.com/ I saw her this weekend and DAMN she's looking good!!! I'm very proud of her and her husband was quoted as saying that he feels like he's cheating on her with her. LOL.
My other sister Patti (PJ to us!!) also had the lap band, but only a few weeks ago. She's doing great with no complications like Lorrie had, so I wish her well and can't wait to see the pounds melt off of her as it will with these procedures.
I've gained so much weight back since my gastric bypass, I feel horrible!! My self esteem is still AOK, that's not a problem and I still get the guys, but I hate the fact that I out ate my surgery and will be doing either a revision or moving to a different procedure such as the lap band. I figure I'll be able to get it done by Feb or March, just have to save up the money for it since I have no health insurance. Should cost about 10-12K depending on what I do, but I AM doing it. This way I'll be looking HOT again for the WSOP!!
Like I said above, I've lost interest in poker but mostly online poker. I hardly play at all and haven't made a deposit in many months. I've been playing $1 SNG's only when I'm bored and haven't even been too interested (for the most part) in playing the big tourneys. I still love playing live though, but I try not to travel too much anymore since I have a teenage daughter that is getting prettier and prettier which means I'm getting more and more scared. LOL
I've been reading TONS though. I love nothing more then to do my work during the day, have dinner with Cherissa, then while she's doing homework or talking with her friends I chill in my bed reading a book, it's absolutely fantastic. I'm in a really, really big reading kick right now. The only problem is that I've read so many books (sometimes 2 a day, I'm a speed reader) that I'm running out of books! I've read all of my favorite authors books and have been trying to find new authors but that can be difficult sometimes. I started reading V.C. Andrews and so I went to the used book store, bought out every single one of hers, she has a LOT, but by the 7th book of hers I realized they were all the same story line. (Kind of like Danielle Steele, can't stand her, LOL) VC writes about incest and rich family/poor family in every book and it just gets old. She must have one sick mind or have been through it herself to write about it so much. Yuck. Turned me off and so now I have no more books. I have to get to the library one day this week.
The business is going good, nothing new or different there, just the same old same old every day. One of my employees is about to have a baby though, so that will be great to be around one without having to have one to get the baby urges out of the system, LOL.
I started playing the local bar free poker tournament league and it's good for nothing but being able to get out of the house and have a few drinks. They all suck and a lot of them hate me because they know that I play (for real, real) and I think I set them off a few times when I try to play by the rules. I know now that I just have to go with the flow and I don't even bother arguing or calling the floor because it's pointless, noone there (even the floor) knows the proper rules. So I just go to drink and play drunken poker.
Well, I think that's it for now. I'm going to go make dinner now and now that I've gotten this blog off, I'll feel better about posting more now. I'll try to do a little something every day or every other day, so that at least the blog is back to being more consistant.
Peace Out!!