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Location: United States

Too much about me to list here...read my blog...you'll get to know me quite well.

Friday, September 30, 2005

PS Blogger Championship

Damn, I hope I do this right.

Poker Championship

I have registered to play in the
Online Poker Blogger Championship!

This event is powered by PokerStars.

Registration code: 7430889

HA! I DID do it right, I'm so amazed at non-computer-skills ass.

So, here's the scoop, PS is holding this HUGE freeroll just for bloggers, and they make you register and then put up that link above. So, in essence, PS has found a way to have bloggers throughout the world pimp their site for free. OK, not for free, for a seat in this tournament. I SAY GOOD FOR THEM!!

Smart buggers they are. So, if you're a fellow blogger, follow the links above and you're on your way. Wish me luck, I'm after the 12K trip OR the iPod, I still want one of those!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Random Thoughts

So I had uninstalled PartyPoker, and it's been off the desktop for awhile. Now, I'm thinking that enough time has past for the cash out curse to be over and so I have decided to download the program again, mostly in attempt to win that DAMN cruise.

Imagine my surprise when I went to their website and found that they now have STEPS for the PPM Cruise. OMG.

I am SOOOO excited!

As my long time readers know, I've had quite a bit of success with the STEPS and have eager to try to win my way onboard using this method. I shall let you know how the quest goes!


I have been home for almost a week now from my consulting job in Seattle, and have simply been trying to catch up on what I missed while I was gone. However, my manager, Linda, had done a fantastic job and coming home was nothing like coming home in the past. I am in the process of hiring 2-3 more employees, bringing my total up to 8-9 and have a plan/goal in mind as far as when I'll be able to take a step back and simply manage vs. actually doing "work". Very excited about this!!


So while home this week, I've worked during the day and played at night. I think it was Tuesday evening when I won the RGP 7 Card Stud H/L Challenge. That was pleasant...especially since I only started playing the game at this year's WSOP. I remember I was hanging out with Fellknight that day and we were both pretty sick of NLHE, so he tricked me into joining the 7 Card Stud H/L satellite. Gave me a few pointers, and I walked away chopping it! Apparanatly, I'm a natural when it comes to this game and I do enjoy a good NLHE break every once in a while.


Played the $50K guaranteed on FullTilt today (Saturday) and out of 270+ entrants, found myself at the same table as GambleAB, now known as Aaron Bartley. How lucky is that?? I don't know what it is about him that sets my teeth on edge, on RGP someone labeled it as "cockiness" and that this is a good attribute to have as a poker player. However, I simply see him as being arrogant. ONE final TV table and he acts like that? Although, truth be told I did NOT know him prior to, so he could have been that way before, who knows. I do know that I donked off my chips pretty damn easily in today's tournament, it was almost embarassing, but luckily, not to him!


We went shopping today for a new bed, to go along with the new bedroom set we've recently purchased that is being stored in our guest bedroom, and ended up buying a new sofa and armchair as well, loved them! Can't wait for them to be delivered. The new furniture will truly change the look of our home as we went funky and got a really nice cranberry/red color.


I was glad to hear that Hurricane Rita wasn't as bad as it could have been (or maybe was made out to be???). I have one question, which was sparked prior to Bill O'Reilly's Friday night show, but he talked about it a lot too. Why the HELL did the officials in Texas NOT open the freeway in both directions? It was stunning to see the gridlock and the stories were unbelievable too. One lady left her house at 3 am and by 10am, SEVEN hours later, she had moved about 11 miles. Unreal. I know it's hard to move 2 million people at once, so once again, why not open up both sides of the freeway??? As Bill O'Reilly stated, noone would tell him.


So, I plan on working this weekend, while playing of course, and can be found online at PS, PP or AIM. Have a great weeekend everyone!!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Viva Las Vegas

So I took Cherissa to Vegas this weekend, as a surprise, to see Kelly Clarkson. Bought 2 tickets off of eBay, $350 (!!!), for a birthday gift. I then called my sister, Corrie, in Northern California to have her fly into Vegas Saturday to see the concert with her.

Corrie and Cherissa have this special "Kelly Clarkson" connection, so I found it fitting to have Corrie take her.

I told Cherissa that we were going for office supplies. (Yes, the printer I just bought from Fry's Electronic in Vegas is SOOO new and advanced that NO store in Kingman sells ink for it. Good Grief.) I then told her that we had to pick up a friend of mine from the airport, take her to Bellagio, drop her off, then have a "Mother-Daughter" night.

I started off the surprise by getting a limo to take us to the airport, was going to get them to drop them off at concert too. Once she saw Aunt Corrie in the airport, I handed her the tickets and her eyes grew SO large, she was SO very excited.

So we drive over to Aladdin and when we pull up to the Valet/Limo Drop off, we get a huge shock. A big sign posted: "Kelly Clarkson concert has been postponed due to illness."

Talk about devastation. My poor daughter held it together, she didn't cry, but she was so totally devastated and disappointed, it was heartbreaking. I felt sorry for the Valet and the staff that works outside there, because they were seeing faces like her's all day long.

So, after a heated discussion with the Valet manager in regards to getting my sister's airline ticket refunded, we left with the casino manager's phone number, and we went off in pursuit of another show they could go to. Couldn't find one that she wanted to see, so I had the limo drop them off at New York, New York and I got dropped off back at Harrah's. Jumped in my car and made it to Binion's in time for the 8 pm tourney.

Of course, I can't remember any key hands, but I ended up in 3rd place. Which was nice, because I wanted 3rd before I wanted 1st, as 3rd place would get me even for the gambling that I had already done that day (well, that plus a little bit extra to get through the night.) Payday: $1000.

Played some slots, hit a NICE jackpot, had a wonderful time.

Came home Sunday, stopped at WalMart on the way home and decided to splurge with the poker winnings. I called Bill and told him what I was doing and asked him what he wanted, all he could think of was sweatpants (splurge??) so I bought him 6 pair. Got myself 2 pairs of shoes, 2 shirts, 2 bottles of Apple Puckers, 1 HUGE bottle of the BEST Vodka they had. Bought Cherissa a DS player (Nintendo?), 5 games for it, and a portable DVD player. They were extravagant gifts for her, but it was for her birthday gifts, and if you can't splurge your poker winnings on your family, then why play?

The total was MUCH less then I thought, so I still have funds left over to take to Vegas tomorrow as I am going back!

I have to go to Seattle, WA for a consulting job. The plane leaves Wednesday PM sometime, so I worked very hard today to get everything done and it worked! I am done! I have 2 meetings tomorrow with clients, and after those meetings I plan on going back to Vegas to have a little fun before running off to work.

I shall be back next week sometime, and will not give a trip report as really, how boring could a consulting job trip report be?? However, I have heard of some casinos up there, so if I can get away to play poker, I shall try and will report on where I go, IF I go.

Have a great week all!

Song of the week: The Ying Yang Twins "The Whisper Song", that's hot.

Saying of the week: "That's Hot" (used to describe anything sexy. I was told this in Vegas while giving The Plaza some green action on the Let It Ride table by two college boys as they were playing single red chips, I was flattered. LOL)

Friday, September 09, 2005

Work and Poker

It's Thursday, it's about 5am and I'm just now heading to bed. I still consider it Thursday night, since I haven't slept yet, lol.

I played a few tourneys today, just finished a $50 NLHE,108 players, top 18 got paid, YEP, I placed 18th for $64.80. Woot!! Which was actually OK because I thought I might bubble! I got a nice stack, but then got cute with Ac2c when the board came 3c,4c,7...then nothing, nothing and he had K,K. Soooooo, I lucked out and was able to slide into the money.

I also played a $100 PLHE, 54 entrants, I made FT and ended up in 7th place for $297.00.

I also played Kansas City Lowball over at GamesGrid.....only the 2nd time I've played that game, I must say, I don't like it. I find it boring. However, I ended up chopping 1st for $76 or something like that, only about 14-16 players?? I do not like GG software at ALL. Hate it. Icky. Gross. Almost as bad, if not equally bad, as Absolute Poker. Yucky. HOWEVER.....they have KCL, they have Dealer's Choice tournaments, and it's home of the RGP Open (or whatever the hell Fellknight is calling it) and I heard their customer service is good. So, I'll put up with it for a little bit longer and see if it grows on me.

I played some others...but these were my only cashes. I played while I worked, AGAIN, and am almost done and ready to complete my month end. Ohhh...almost forgot, I also got my PS bonus released today, which was almost like cashing in a tournament, $120!!! I love their bonuses, and I always reload to the max when they're offered. Easy to release when you play there almost exclusively like I do.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

WCOOP #4 PLHE 6 Player

I had previously won an entry into this event, but broke down and un-registered in order to play WCOOP Event #2.

Soooo...I bought into a $11R Turbo 2 hours before the event yesterday, no luck. I then decided to give it a go at a $27 SNG and ended up making a 3:1 outchipped comeback to win my seat.

Due to it being end of month in my work, I was working (doing data entry) while I was playing and didn't really pay TOO much attention to the game until about the 4th break. Then I realized that I should probably put the work aside and concentrate on trying to win.

I had a very, very good run where I was down to about 8000T with 300 left, ended up making my way up to #2 in chips and stayed in the top 4 for quite some time. I never made it to the #1 spot, unless it was so brief that I didn't see it.

At one point I was moved to Tom McEvoy's table and was lucky enough to bust him out, can't remember the exact hand, but he basically raised pot committing him to the hand, and I decided to oblige and reraise, thus making him call all in and he showed Q rag, and I had A rag. Bye Tom!!!

Next, Jennicide and Micon joined the table so the railbirds were out in full force. They were already out for Tom, but this just added fuel. Plus, I had my fair share of railbirds as well, so all in all, it was a pretty talkative table.

When there was about 160 people left, I started yo-yo'ing. Up and down, continuously. Got down to #25, then back up to #6, then back down to #23, then back up to #4, etc. etc.

The final hand for me was extrememly heartbreaking, I'm over it, don't get me wrong, but DAMN that spade!!!

I had QhKh, which a select group of my peers have started calling "Da MissT". (See all my previous posts regarding this hand and how I WAY overplay it, yet it almost always seems to win for me, thus the name) Player Micon (Brian Micon of NeverWinPoker.com.....that might not be the exact name, but I know you all know who I'm talking about) had raised preflop to 5555. He likes to be odd numbers, it must tickle him. I simply called EVEN though I wanted to pop it back up pot due to my hand, however, I digress.

Flop came both beautiful and ugly. 9, 10, J. ALL spades. Micon bet out 8888, I raised pot to 30K or something like that. I TOLD him with my bet, I have it. Whatever "it" may be construed as. Trips, flush, 2 pair, straight....etc. Your AA is NO good Micon.

He thought about it for quite awhile. I know that he knew I had him, however he did in fact have A,A and one of them was the spade. Thus, he decided to gamble and reraised, putting me all in, I called very quickly.

Spade on the turn.

Out in 96th place out of 2345 players, good for a $703.50 payday.

I was very disappointed, as I had overcome a huge chip deficiency to get to where I was, I felt I was playing extremely well, and that I could have gone much further.

However, I do feel and believe that I played the hand correctly and just got outdrawn, such is poker.

Thank you ALL for the support and railbirding, I always enjoy that.

So, what's next? Well, I'm not playing today, it's the NLHE w/ rebuys, I'm not doing THAT. Tomorrow is the LHE, and while I would like to play that, I have a meeting at 8pm with a client so why even bother playing if I have to leave? Saturday and Sunday I will be in Vegas...I bought Kelly Clarkson concert tickets for Cherissa for an early birthday present and will be surprising her Saturday night with them. She thinks we're going to Vegas for ink and office supplies.

Then, next week, I am leaving for Seattle for a consulting job, which means that as far as the WCOOP goes, I do believe I am done. I can't play next Tues due to 2 client meetings before I depart. Monday, I may be able to play, but it's Stud and that is without a doubt, my weakest game. I would have liked to have played more WCOOP events, but my schedule simply does not permit it. I wish luck to all those that do play in them.


As pointed out to me by one of my most anal readers, the hand that busted Tom McEvoy was daMissT. Apparantly, he had ME dominated with A6, I had QK, and if I recall correctly, he got an A on the flop, along with a Q for me, and then another Q fell on the turn or river. I THINK. Anywho...who really cares? Bottom line: I knocked his ass OUT. ; )


As pointed out to me, once again, by the same anal reader. A6 does not "dominate" KQ, however, he did have the best hand pre-flop. Also, I caught a Q on the flop, whereas Tom did NOT get an Ace at all, and I won with one pair. NOW, if this does not satisfy this particular reader, then I will have to seriously hurt you. (de)

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

So I Lied....

...really, who's surprised out there??

Anyways, I ended up playing poker all day yesterday (Monday, Labor Day!) while I was working though, so because it was Labor Day and I was working, shouldn't I do something to offset the work and enjoy myself as well??

Big News: Thanks to Brian Cashman of www.cashmanbrian.com I am registred and playing in the WCOOP Event #3, NLHE Heads Up. It has been sold out for awhile and this was one event that I wanted to play due to my experience and luck so far in HU competitions as previously reported. He unregistered and let me have his seat, what a doll!

If anyone needs to buy/sell/trade W$ or T$ from PokerStars...he's your man. He's the only one I use! There, my pimping is done and he didn't even ask me!

OK, let's hope for a win, if I do cash well, I can't say that I won't continue playing and put the Hiatus on the backburner, if I don't cash, then I can say it. I'm tired of depositing!!!

GL to everyone who plays the WCOOP! See you online.


WCOOP #3 NLHE HU Update:
Well, the first match lasted about 48 minutes. I was never in the lead, got crippled when I hit my flush on the river, but he had hit his boat on the turn with J,2. He showed me about 5 full houses in the first 20 mins. How to compete? Got down as low as 210 chips,then was able to make a comeback to 1400 when two of my all ins got called and I got lucky. First time I had K,J; he had A,5 and the K came on the flop. The 2nd time I had K,3 and he had 9,9 and both K and 3 came on the flop. The last hand was me holding 2,5; flop came 3,4,5. I moved all in, he called with 5,Q and I couldn't finish my straight. So, out in 562nd place, not bad with 1024 entrants starting, it sure did last forever. Bleh.

Monday, September 05, 2005

On Hiatus

It's time, once again, to take a break from poker. JUST a break though, so don't get your panties in a wad.

Ever since winning the last week of August, and being #35 on the TLB, and doing a cash out. (DAMN, WHY did I DO that??)I can't win SHIT.

Can't win to save my soul. So, I am on a break, a hiatus.

I plan on taking a break for 2 weeks. I have to go to Seattle, WA in about 10 days for a consulting job, so I refuse to play until I get back from that...then we'll see how it goes then.

Other news, work is busy, it's end of month, so this will free up some more time for me to work on closing my client's months anyways.

Family is doing great, Cherissa turns 13 in 1 month. How exciting! We are throwing a major party for her. Rented out a hall, getting a DJ and inviting almost the entire 7th grade class. Yep, we're doing it up like Sweet Sixteen does it up on MTV. Only, minus the 16 year old bitches.

So, enough from me for now, I shall post when the mood hits, or if something happens exciting and new that's not poker related, as I won't have anything poker to post for 2 weeks!

Try not to miss me too much! ; )