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Thursday, June 14, 2007


Which you should have gotten a few days ago, but I wanted to make sure I typed something up for you all before I leave again today, back to Vegas. It's always hectic and crazy when I come home in between trips, getting caught up on work, getting ready to leave again, etc. etc.

I'm not going to go into too many details about last weekend but will instead talk about the "one" that got away from me.

On Saturday I played the $550 Venetian, 485 entrants, only 40 got paid. This in itself I don't understand as most tournaments pay out the top 10% of the entrants, so I believe 48-49 should have been paid, but from what I've heard the Venetian is very top heavy. I don't mind that, IF I were to get to the top. And man, was I on my way. I played solid, good, sometimes drunken (I got drunk while playing the first 4-5 hours then sobered up the final 4 hours. I played for 10 hours total, busting out right around 10pm on THIS hand:

Antes are 1K, blinds are 2K/4K. I have 120K in front of me after paying my antes, I'm UTG and look down to AcKc. There were only 7 players at the table, 44 players left in the event.

Everyone folds to the SB, which is typical, there all pretty much playing bubble style, as I was.....although I wasn't getting any hands, so that helped me but in each orbit I'm losing 13K, so I have to do something at some point or I'll just ante/blind myself past the bubble, and I don't want to pass the bubble (Well, I DO but I DON'T, ya know??).

Anywho, the SB looks at me (cute guy, in his laste 20's or early 30's, had already shared his spring rolls with me) and says, "You know what? This is the stupidest call I am ever going to make in my life, but I like you and I'm tired and if anyone is going to get my chips, I want it to be you".

Flips over 4c5c.

You know the rest of the story. Flop comes 3, 3, 5 Turn J River 10 and IGHN. SIGH.

I LOVED the call, when I saw it, just hated the flop, when I saw it.

Never found out how much 1st paid but that would have given me 260K in chips, well within chipleader range and from what I've figured out/heard, 1st place was probably anywhere from 25-30K. CRINGE.

Gawd, Sometimes I hate poker so much. : )

However, I digress and I'm off to Vegas. This weekend has RAZZ at Binions, so hopefully I can do good there since I love that game and today is $200 NLHE at Binions.

Have a great weekend, and I will write again on Monday when I return home. Ciao!!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Ohhhhh BTW......

I met Trishelle this past weekend in The American Grill at RIO. For those that are in the know, she's the gorgeous blonde from Real World - Las Vegas, which is currently airing on MTV, at least the Reunion show is. She was very nice and after she told me that her boyfriend made it to Day 2 in a WSOP event, I pretty much ignored her and just talked poker with him. Of course, I was buzzed/drunk? at the time, but I think it was pretty cool.


What the FUCK is wrong with the court system to let Paris Hilton out of jail after 24 hours???? Oh sure they SAY she was in fro 3 days, but she didn't turn herself in until midnight, so they gave her credit for the whole day and then she left last night at midnight, giving her credit for today. There is NO way in HELL you or myself would EVER get that treatment. A fucking ankle bracelet for home arrest due to a medical condition, give me a fucking break.

(But then again on the other hand, if I was rich and famous, I would want that treatment too. ; )

OK, off to Vegas! Next trip report coming on Sunday or Monday. Have a great weekend!!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

WSOP/BPC Trip Report #1

Left Friday after taking Cherissa to her orthodontist appointment, got her on the plane to Aunt PJ in Phoenix and then headed off to RIO after first dropping off 2 guys I had met at the airport at Harrah's. The taxi line at the airport was about a 1 1/2 hour wait and I felt it would bring me good karma to do a good deed for the day.

WOW. RIO was/is one MAJOR clusterfuck. Good lord, I can't understand how they (Harrah's) could have this golden egg on their plate (WSOP) and fuck it up every year. EVERYTHING was different, where to play single table satellites, where to play cash games, how the registration lines worked, it was horrid to see all the people standing in line for literally 4-5 hours just to register for an event. I moseyed around for a little bit, ran into a few old friends (Hi Foldem!) and met my friend GoPhish from PS for the first time. I commiserated with him while he stood in line. Tried to sneak him into the Diamond line (the ONLY thing I will like about the WSOP IF I play anything there) but to no avail.

So I left and headed over to Binions. Ran into some friends there, don't recall if I played anything...certainly no tournaments, but did end up going over to Polly Esthers, the dance club at Stratosphere I enjoy, for about an hour before heading home to the RIO and crashing, after a scrumptious shrimp cocktail at the All American Grill. (LOVE them, I eat 1 of those every day)

Saturday had me heading to Binions and arriving in time to play in the normal 10am event. Didn't do anything worth mentioning, but the goal is to have it finish by 1:30pm, so it's a turbo style with no rebuys. Played a little Video Poker, ran into some friends, just got reacquaited with Vegas basically before the 4pm BPC event. I didn't last much longer then an hour in that event, so I hung around until the 8pm normal event which I ended up chopping 5 (or was it 6?) ways, with all of them getting 2300 and my getting 4K. I was MAJOR chip leader and DRUNK off my ass, as normal, so they were wise to ask me what I wanted just so that I wouldn't knock them out, since I had knocked out everyone else so far at the final table at that point with horrid cards but LUCK was on my side as it usually is. Not a bad start to my first weekend in Vegas!! I also won the seat into the TOC event being held on 7/1, but gave the Tshirt to a tourist from England.

Sunday AM had me back at Binions and playing some more video poker where I hit my first 4 Aces of the weekend, no kicker, but still good for $800. Played in the 10 am and the 4pm BPC with no positive results. My Dad was in town with his new girlfriend, so I got to hang out with them for about an hour and had a few drinks before the 10am started. It was great seeing him again and he seems very happy with his new love. After the tournaments, I ran into some ITH'rs (Pauli, Nside, and KrazyTxn!!) so we decided to play the 8pm at Golden Nugget, where I ended up winning the last longer, but still couldn't make it to the final table. We headed off for a meal at the cafe there, which I adore, and then I played some Crazy 4 Card Poker before calling it a night.

Monday AM had me back at Binions and playing some more video poker where I hit another 4 Aces, then quads 3 times and so I cashed out with my $1200 profit and played the 10am normal tourney, then the 2pm BPC, where I ran into Felicia and Glenn. They stayed with us at the RIO that night, but Felicia forgot her seat cushion and was in so much pain, they decided to call it a trip and left for home on Tuesday, although they'll be back, especially for Stud which Felicia ROCKS at. This was my last day/night in Vegas, so although I started off slow, I ended up getting toasted again and found myself running around Vegas at 1am trying to find my damn spaghetti and meatballs. Finally found it at the 3rd casino I stopped at, Caesars, and after my yummy meal, went to bed and crashed. I was supposed to meet Dad and Colleen for dinner, but we couldn't set up a proper time so I ended up just playing Crazy 4 Card Poker before my 4th meal (which in reality was my 2nd meal as I always seem to forget to eat in vegas, or would rather be playing instead of eating, or drinking instead of eating, etc etc etc). I bought in for $200 and left with $2400. Another good session!

Of course, as a gambler and with the amount of tourneys I played in, I gave a lot back and I couldn't have won a lot that I won if I hadn't been gambling, but after arriving in Vegas with only $500 and leaving with $4400, I was very pleased and hope to win at least one tourney or good gambling session a trip.

I leave again on Friday and will only be there until Sunday night, when I pick up Cherissa from the airport around 8pm and head on home for another week of work, then leave again. This month will be a constant going back and forth traveling road trip for me, but I look forward to it. Boy, do I ever. : )

I know I probably leave a lot out, and I can't always remember everything, especially when I go for 3+ days and they all start blending in together, but I will try my best to give sordid details and post funny anectdotes when I can. I'm starting to think this might just be another boring blog entry, so I will have to work on my debauchery so you all can live vicariously through me. LOL