So I headed to Las Vegas this past weekend on Friday, first stopping in Bullhead City to meet with one of my clients, then decided to stop and play in Laughlin for a little bit. I donked off some money before finally finding a video poker machine that was H. O. T. I was dealt 4 of a kind twice, hit 4 of a kind a total of 7 times, and cashed out ahead for the evening (so far) of $800, then took off for Vegas via Searchlight, Nevada.
On my way there, I got a phone call from Fellknight, it turned out his flight was late, so he would be getting into Vegas with his friend (Girlfriend? I never could tell....)Nina, around 11:30pm, so I offered to pick them up. This would give me a few hours to kill, so I stopped at the Railroad Pass Casino, which Felicia has mentioned in her blogs, and I've never played there before.
I jumped in a $2/$4 game with 2 other people, yep, only 2, they could never get the game going so after 2 drinks and $40, I left the poker room and just hung out in there little bar area that had a one man band. Along with 5 other locals, I danced until it was time to leave. Great people there, I had a good time.
Picked up Fellknight and Nina at the airport, but it was more like 12:30am as their flight was double late, so I took a little nap in the airport while waiting. Then, when I dropped them off at their hotel, there was a problem with a 2nd room, so we were there for almost 45 mins-1 hour thus giving us no time to go dancing/clubbing that night, so we just went and played some nickel slots and got drunk. I bid adieu around 4am and went to bed.
Saturday we met up at the Caesars poker room and played the 10 or 11am tourney, I forgot what time it started. Anyways, great structure at Caesars, I highly recommend it. The event cost $60 (?) with a $50 (?) Rebuy, and a total of 4500 chips was given to you with the rebuy. 40 min levels and deep stacks, GREAT event.
I started off very tight, my first hand played was with pocket 6's, called a minimum raise and got lucky with a flop that included a 6. The 2nd hand, I had J,J, a woman in EP raised 5x the BB, so I just called. Flop came K high with 2 clubs, we both checked, turn was a club, we both checked, river was another club giving me the J high flush. She bet 1/2 pot, I could only call and she showed 8,8c. Another big hand was when I was dealt Q,Q on the button. EP raised, I reraised, SB called, raiser called. Flop came with a Q and they both paid me off all the way down with one showing A,Q and the other showing 10,10. Went to first break with about 9K in chips, but was up to about 12K at one point, then lost a hand before break on the river card.
After break, I went back in and about 30 mins into that level I was dealt 8,8. MP raised to 1200, blinds were at 100/200 with 25 ante. I decided to call to see the flop as I felt I had the chips, and could warrent the call in my mind, the BB also called. The flop came 8, J, 3. BB checked, MP bet 3K. I had 4650 left, so moved all in after some drama time. The BB folded after some clock time and the MP had to call for only 1650 more, and said "A set is good" while turning over A,A. The BB said, "Sorry dude, I had A,K, you're down to 1 out". The dealer decided to give him that ONE Ace on the turn, and IGHN. This, in my memory, is my first hand that I've ever lost to a one outer, that I know about. It hurt. It hurts bad. So I decided to go play some video poker and have a drink (or two).
I played some Let It Ride with no positive results and then gathered with Fellknight, Nina, my friends Lonnie and his friend Beverly for dinner at the Flamingo, then got back to Caesars in time for the 7pm tourney. Fellknight and Nina went walking on the strip, it was her first time in Vegas. Lonnie and Beverly went to play craps. Nothing to report in this tournament at all except that there was a calling station to my right in the form of an asian woman and as I should know by now, you can't bluff a calling station. K,3? Good!! J,8? Good!! Sigh, it was horrible, I was out in the 2nd level and went back to my perch at the bar next to the sportsbook.
As posted on RGP this AM, this is what happened the rest of the night:
Razzo, Fellknight and Tanya Take Over Vegas
What a combination of RGP minds that got together on Saturday night in Vegas.
My version of what I'm sure will be ALL LIES from the boys.
Fellknight was in town with one of his friends from Canada (a GIRL!!) and was
showing her the sights of Vegas during the evening, so I found a perch at the
bar next to the sportsbook at Caesars Palace. Got a call from Razzo, and told
him to come on down so we could share a drink and meet in person.
Razzo showed up and we sat at that bar for about 2-3 hours (??), I introduced
him to Apple Martinis and we proceeded to gab the hours away. Felknight showed
up around 11pm and all 4 of us headed over to my favorite dance club, the
outside bar in between Harrah's and Imperial Palace.
We proceeded to get inebriated and I, as always, danced my ass off. When we got
there, there was actually a very long line to get in, and a cover charge I
believe, which is completely stupid and makes no sense, as it's an outdoor dance
club, so we were able to simply hang around one of the planters about 20 yards
from the entrance and could barely hear ourselves talk as the music is that
We created our own party and even got about 6-8 other people to join us and we
all hung out by the planter, sending the boys into Harrah's for the drinks, and
dancing the night away. The police ended up making us leave about 15 mins before
the club closed, said there was "No Loitering", from my memory it's about the
same time the police told us to leave last time so I think they let you stay and
hang out until the club is about to close, I think I just might do that in the
future, and forget about the club with the packed dance floor.
Razzo and Fellknight talked a lot about who knows what, and I just danced around
them. Had a great time and after the club closed, we decided to go donk off some
money in the 2/4 game at Flamingo's. That was a blast and a half by itself. The
poker room woke up a little bit when we entered, and I was able to get 1/2 the
table to do shot for shot, as normal. Razzo left while I was out on a smoke
break and never said goodbye (Brat, I'm mad at you for that!!) and then
Fellknight started falling asleep at the table so I advised him to leave, while
I continued playing for another hour or so and then crashed myself. I could have
gone for a few more hours, but the game broke up and I decided just to leave as
the table was an awesome group of people, and I have no idea why they broke the
table as we had 6-7 players and we were all fine where we were!
So, that's my Saturday night Vegas trip report, rest of the weekend to come
It was great meeting Razzo in person, and I think he ROCKS!! If you ever have a
chance to meet him, do it. He's been in poker for over 10 1/2 years and knows
everyone and knows Vegas, was great to talk to about poker, and just an all
around GREAT guy, andI won't go on about how handsome he is too (IMO) as then he
might get an inflated ego. wink wink.
Good times, good times.
Sunday: I woke up around 10am and had a few errands to run, then picked up Cherissa at the airport (She had gone to Phoenix with my Mom for the weekend, since Mom had come up on Friday before I left to check out some homes in Kingman, it is mommy is moving to Kingman!! So Mom put her on the plane to Vegas, I picked her up and we drove home together) Got home in time to watch the Superbowl and then went to bed around 10pm in order to wake up early today to get my month end done in time for a meeting with a client tomorrow. Busy 2 days ahead of me, but once done I can take a few days off to play some poker. See you then.